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gay or bi men that will like a transman

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December 20, 2011
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: gay or bi men that will like a transman
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It seems to me that I find one gay or bi male that likes me at all. a few bi males like me but see me as a girl then when i tell them i wanna be treated like a male they back away and say screw that. Is it so hard to ask for a gay or bi male to like me and see me as male and treat me like a male?

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November 16, 2008
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I ,too, wish to find that elusive man that will treat me as the man I know I am. And not retreat or back down and run away. My quest continues, I wish you well on your journey my friend.

Jack Karl

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I understand that completely, I have only found one gay man that dated me however we broke up because of wanting different things for the future. I have a difficult time finding any gay men who want to date me....plenty of guys wanna sleep with me but I am looking for a life mate. Our journey is a tough road but I am positive there is someone out there for each of us guys. Most of the time relationships happen when your not really looking for it. Good luck and warm wishes on all our journey's.

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January 4, 2012
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`where out there . no really (0UT) there. im in ny bi the way

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February 26, 2012
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`Dylan, it's guys like you that I'm trying to meet!

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February 28, 2012
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`I'm having the same problem. Actually when I first ever came out to one of my best friends her response was, "No gay guy is going to want to date you." That was several years ago but I still can't get the words out of my head. There are gay/bi guys who will date an ftm and see them as male. I know that because well, it's a whole wide world out there. The problem is we've got a little extra work to find those relationships.

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August 15, 2010
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` It takes time, but I have to agree, they're out there. Good luck~

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`They are there. Just be careful to AVOID straight men at all costs. They have a habit of trying to refeminize you.

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Posted:     Post subject:

``Yeah it can be a bit of work to find a male partner. I'm currently looking for a cisguy to have a relationship with, and I don't care if he is gay, straight, or bi as long as he calls me by my correct name and refers to me as 'he'.

Transguys who are 'tops' may find it harder to have a partner who doesn't mind the difference, but it seems that most top guys don't mind their bottom being a transman.

As for dudes only wanting to have S-- with you, welcome to the world of gay dating. Yes it does suck, but remember: loads and loads of straight men just want to have S-- with women without committing to them, just they've had a lifetime of being turned down for casual S-- and know to at least be 'players' if they aren't into commitment.

In the gay world it's different: there are about the same number of men into commitment, but there are way less 'players'. Instead, the people who just want casual S-- don't bother pretending to be in a relationship to sleep with people - they simply expect it.

As someone who transitioned two years ago I can say that it's really not all that different. If you don't want people to think you're an object to gratify them, do not (and I repeat, DO NOT) sleep with them outside of a long term, committed relationship or you will send the wrong signal.

It's not about 'getting a guy to commit'. It's about boring the heck out of guys who won't commit no matter what so you can see who's a real man and who's just in it for s--.

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